Best Solar Generator for RVs in 2023

As a passionate RV enthusiast, I want to share with you the benefits of finding the best solar generator for RV adventures.  These portable power stations harness the energy of the sun to provide a convenient and environmentally friendly power source while on the road.  In this article, I will explore the advantages of solar generators, discuss essential factors to consider when choosing one, and present the top solar generators available for RVs.

Benefits of a Solar Generator for RV

  • Portable and Convenient Power Source

One of the significant advantages of solar generators for RVs is their portability and convenience.  Unlike traditional generators that require fuel and emit fumes, solar generators utilize clean energy from the sun, making them silent and environmentally friendly.  They are lightweight and compact, allowing for easy transport and storage in your RV.

  • Environmentally Friendly

Solar generators are an eco-conscious power solution for RV enthusiasts.  By harnessing the sun’s energy, these generators produce clean, renewable power without contributing to air and noise pollution. Choosing a solar generator allows you to enjoy your RV adventures while minimizing your carbon footprint and preserving the beauty of nature.

  • Cost Savings and Energy Independence

Using solar generators can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. By harnessing free solar energy, you can reduce or eliminate the need to rely on traditional power sources, such as RV park hookups or fuel-powered generators. Solar generators provide you with energy independence, allowing you to enjoy your RV travels without worrying about high utility costs or fuel expenses.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Generator

When selecting a solar generator for your RV, there are several essential factors to consider.

  • Power Capacity and Output

The power capacity and output of a solar generator determine its ability to meet your energy needs.  Consider the appliances and devices you plan to power in your RV and choose a generator with sufficient wattage to accommodate those requirements.  You may find a simple 12-volt system is sufficient or you may find a 24-volt system will make you more comfortable.  It’s important to have a clear understanding of your power needs to ensure the solar generator can handle the load.

  • Battery Capacity and Charging Options

The battery capacity of a solar generator determines how long it can provide power without recharging. Consider the battery capacity and evaluate if it aligns with your intended usage. Additionally, assess the charging options available for the solar generator. Some models charge solely through solar panels, while others may offer additional charging options like AC wall outlets or vehicle charging.

  • Size, Weight, and Portability

As an RV owner, space and weight are critical considerations.  Look for a solar generator that strikes a balance between power capacity and size/weight. Opt for a compact and lightweight model which is more easily stored and transported in your RV without adding unnecessary bulk.  If space is at a premium you might even consider mounting an array of 250-watt, 300-watt, or larger solar panels on your RVs roof.

Top Solar Generator for RV

Now, let’s explore the top seven solar generators available for RV enthusiasts.

As more and more people embrace the RV lifestyle, solar generators are becoming an increasingly popular option for those looking to power their vehicles off-grid. These generators not only provide a source of clean energy, but they also offer a quiet and reliable alternative to traditional gas-powered generators. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the top 7 rated solar generators for RVs.

  • Goal Zero Yeti 3000X

The Goal Zero Yeti 3000X is a premium option for those looking to power their RVs with solar energy. This generator has a maximum power output of 3,000 watts, which makes it capable of powering even the most energy-intensive appliances and electronics. It also has a sleek design, with a built-in LCD screen that displays real-time power usage and battery level.

One of the standout features of the Goal Zero Yeti 3000X is its high-capacity battery.  With a 3,075 watt-hour battery, this generator powers a typical RV for several days without needing to be recharged.  It’s design is durable and long-lasting, with a sturdy aluminum frame and protective roll cage.

According to EnergySage, the Goal Zero Yeti 3000X has an average cost of $2.60 per watt-hour, which is higher than other options on the market. However, its high power output and capacity make it a great option for those who want to power their RVs with solar energy.

  • Jackery Explorer 1000

The Jackery Explorer 1000 is a versatile option for those looking to power their RVs off-grid. This generator has a maximum power output of 1,000 watts, which makes it capable of powering most appliances and electronics. It also has a compact and portable design, which makes it easy to take on the road.

One of the standout features of the Jackery Explorer 1000 is its high-capacity battery.  This unit’s 1,002 watt-hour battery powers a typical RV for several days without needing to be recharged.  It’s sturdy plastic shell makes it durable and weather-resistant.  It also features built-in handles for easy carrying.

According to SolarReviews, the Jackery Explorer 1000 has an average cost of $1.50 per watt-hour, which is lower than other options on the market. Its versatility and portability make it a great option for those who want a solar generator that can be used for a variety of applications.

  • Renogy Lycan Powerbox

The Renogy Lycan Powerbox is a unique option for those looking to power their RVs with solar energy. This generator has a maximum power output of 1,200 watts, which makes it capable of powering most appliances and electronics. It also has a built-in solar panel, which means it can be recharged using solar energy.

One of the standout features of the Renogy Lycan Powerbox is its all-in-one design. The generator includes a high-capacity battery, a built-in solar panel, and multiple outlets for charging and powering devices. It’s durable, weather-resistant design features a sturdy plastic shell and built-in wheels for easy transportation.

According to EnergySage, the Renogy Lycan Powerbox has an average cost of $1.25 per watt-hour, which is lower than other options on the market. Its all-in-one design and built-in solar panel make it a great option for those who want a solar generator that’s easy to use and transport.

  • Bluetti AC200P

The Bluetti AC200P is a powerful option for those looking to power their RVs with solar energy. This generator has a maximum power output of 2,000 watts, which makes it capable of powering most appliances and electronics. It also has a sleek design, with a built-in LCD screen that displays real-time power usage and battery level.

One of the standout features of the Bluetti AC200P is its high-capacity battery. With a 2,000 watt-hour battery, this generator can power a typical RV for several days without needing to be recharged. It’s also designed to be durable and long-lasting, with a sturdy aluminum frame and protective case.

According to SolarReviews, the Bluetti AC200P has an average cost of $1.50 per watt-hour, which is lower than other options on the market. Its high power output and capacity make it a great option for those who want to power their RVs with solar energy.

  • EcoFlow Delta 1300

The EcoFlow Delta 1300 is a versatile option for those looking to power their RVs off-grid. This generator has a maximum power output of 1,800 watts, which makes it capable of powering most appliances and electronics. It also has a compact and portable design, which makes it easy to take on the road.

One of the standout features of the EcoFlow Delta 1300 is its high-capacity battery. With a 1,260 watt-hour battery, this generator can power a typical RV for several days without needing to be recharged. It’s also designed to be durable and weather-resistant, with a sturdy plastic shell and built-in handles for easy carrying.

According to EnergySage, the EcoFlow Delta 1300 has an average cost of $1.50 per watt-hour, which is lower than other options on the market. Its versatility and portability make it a great option for those who want a solar generator that can be used for a variety of applications.

  • Rockpals 500W Portable Power Station

The Rockpals 500W Portable Power Station is a budget-friendly option for those looking to power their RVs with solar energy. This generator has a maximum power output of 500 watts, which makes it capable of powering most small appliances and electronics. It also has a compact and portable design, which makes it easy to take on the road.

One of the standout features of the Rockpals 500W Portable Power Station is its affordability. With a price tag of around $500, this generator is one of the most budget-friendly options on the market.  Designed to be durable and weather-resistant, Rockpals has a sturdy plastic shell and built-in handles for easy carrying.

According to SolarReviews, the Rockpals 500W Portable Power Station has an average cost of $1.00 per watt-hour, which is lower than other options on the market. Its affordability and portability make it a great option for those who want a solar generator that won’t break the bank.

  • MAXOAK Bluetti EB150

The MAXOAK Bluetti EB150 is a powerful option for those looking to power their RVs with solar energy. This generator has a maximum power output of 1,000 watts, which makes it capable of powering most appliances and electronics. It also has a sleek design, with a built-in LCD screen that displays real-time power usage and battery level.

One of the standout features of the MAXOAK Bluetti EB150 is its high-capacity battery. With a 1,500 watt-hour battery, this generator powers a typical RV for several days without needing to be recharged. It’s also designed to be durable and long-lasting, with a sturdy aluminum frame and protective case.

According to EnergySage, the MAXOAK Bluetti EB150 has an average cost of $1.20 per watt-hour, which is lower than other options on the market. Its high power output and capacity make it a great option for those who want to power their RVs with solar energy.


Overall, there are many great options available for those looking to install solar generators in their RVs.  The Goal Zero Yeti 3000X is a premium option with a high power output and capacity, while the Jackery Explorer 1000 is a versatile and portable option.  The Renogy Lycan Powerbox is an all-in-one option with a built-in solar panel, while the Bluetti AC200P is a powerful option with a sleek design.  The EcoFlow Delta 1300 is a versatile and budget-friendly option, while the Rockpals 500W Portable Power Station is a budget-friendly option that’s easy to transport. The MAXOAK Bluetti EB150 is a powerful option with a high-capacity battery.

When choosing a solar generator for your RV, it’s important to consider factors like power output, capacity, cost, and design. By doing your research and comparing different options, you can find the best solar generator for your specific needs and budget.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, solar generators provide RV enthusiasts with a portable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective power solution. By harnessing the power of the sun, these generators offer convenience, energy independence, and reduced reliance on traditional power sources. When choosing a solar generator for your RV, consider factors such as power capacity, battery capacity, and portability.  Additionally, explore the top solar generators mentioned in this article, weighing their features, pros, and cons.  Embrace the benefits of solar power and enhance your RV adventures with a reliable solar generator.



Can solar generators power all appliances in an RV?

They can!  But it’s crucial to consider the power capacity and requirements of each appliance.  High-power appliances like air conditioners may require a more robust solar generator or alternative power sources.

Can I charge a solar generator for RV while driving?

Yes, many solar generators offer vehicle charging options, allowing you to recharge the generator’s battery while driving.  This is beneficial when sunlight is limited or unavailable.

How long does it take to fully charge a solar generator?

The charging time varies depending on factors like the solar generator’s battery capacity, available sunlight, and charging method.  Consult the manufacturer’s specifications for estimated charging times.

Can I connect multiple solar panels to a solar generator for faster charging?

Some solar generators allow for the connection of multiple solar panels to increase the charging speed.  However, it’s important to ensure compatibility and consult the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Can I use a solar generator for off-grid camping?

Absolutely!  Solar generators are an excellent power source for off-grid camping.  They provide a sustainable and independent energy solution, allowing you to enjoy nature without sacrificing modern comforts.

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Robert Scott

My initial goal to protect my family and loved ones from the inconvenience and even dangers of power outages has evolved into a commitment to share my findings with as many like-minded people as possible. As risks to this country's unreliable, vulnerable, and outdated power grid continue to grow, many new technologies and low-cost alternatives have become available to safeguard ourselves. As they say, knowledge is power!

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